Once you have enough candy for your neighborhood ghouls and goblins, why not turn your attention to some treats that trick—or-treating parents might like? We’ve scoured the internet for a few ideas so you don’t have to!
Claire from Sprinkles & Sprouts offers up a Haunted Graveyard. We love that the ingredients are things you’ll have at home or can easily get.

Maple syrup
Fresh orange
Rosemary stems

How about a frighteningly updated old fashioned? A now-closed restaurant in Atlanta served a version of the old-fashioned using Whistlepig infused with Werther’s hard candy and a maraschino cherry. If you need some inspiration and some entertainment, here’s how it’s done!

How about some boozy bourbon caramel apples. A fun twist on a classic. Iowa Girl Eats will show you how it’s done, step-by-step. You might want to creep around the rest of the site for some really good-looking recipes!
Pumpkin spice or nah? Our friend Ryan Reynolds will take a hard pass, but in the process, he’ll show you how to make a non-pumpkin spice-laden cocktail.